Tor View Community Special School
Clod Lane
Who are we
The Governors and staff of Tor View School aim to provide equal opportunities for all through: 1. An inclusive ethos of respect, tolerance, and understanding of others’ needs developing and valuing pupils’ self-discipline, independence and autonomy in preparation for adulthood. 2. A safe supportive, caring and dynamic school environment, extending into the wider Community where all are valued as educators and partners in school improvement. 3. Access to the National Curriculum and the extended school designed to accommodate individual pupil needs and to ensure maximum progress. 4. An environment where creativity is nurtured and the arts provide a medium for driving forward school improvement. 5. The celebration of success and positive outcomes for all. We aim to: • Develop a nurturing culture of lifelong learning for staff and pupils; • Promote intellect, physical, social, aesthetic, spiritual and moral development of pupils; • Inspire communication and independence skills; • Prepare pupils to control their own lives; • Help and encourage pupils to become valued employers, employees and members of social groups and communities; • Promote a healthy lifestyle and a sense of self-worth; • Develop lively, inquiring, creative minds; • Ensure that creative and inspirational teaching leads to exciting, enjoyable and inspired learning; • Maintain the highest personal expectation of each pupil, recognising and developing strengths and talents; • Engage learners in meaningful work related learning, developing ambition and enterprise skills and securing best possible post school outcomes; • Have a wider local, regional and national influence to ensure pupils access best practice and schools within our locality are well supported.
Cultural Education Challenge Commitment
Our school is taking on the Cultural Education Challenge. This means that our learning journey takes us to places where we can create, compose, perform, visit, experience, participate, know, understand and review great art and culture. Along the way, we meet inspiring artists and cultural experts that help us explore our own and others’ inventiveness. Together we inspire each other to be creative, courageous and curious.