Stockport Grammar School
Buxton Road
0161 456 9000
Who are we
We are a co-educational independent school in Stockport, England that is developing our arts and culture provision at an excelled rate. We believe in developing the whole child, and work to endow them with important character traits, including enthusiasm, grit, curiosity, community ethos and social intelligence, to enable them to thrive in the world. We are working towards being awarded our first Artsmark certification. We have also recently launched Arts Award and are part of Stockport LCEP.
Cultural Education Challenge Commitment
Our school is taking on the Cultural Education Challenge. This means that our learning journey takes us to places where we can create, compose, perform, visit, experience, participate, know, understand and review great art and culture. Along the way, we meet inspiring artists and cultural experts that help us explore our own and others’ inventiveness. Together we inspire each other to be creative, courageous and curious.