Sandbrook Community Primary School

Hartley Lane
OL11 2LR

Who are we

To provide a high standard of educational provision within a quality learning environment. We work in partnership to offer a range of services that respond to the needs of the community and maximise the potential of each child and their family. Sandbrook strives to ensure that each child is … Healthy. Safe. Enjoys and achieves. Makes a positive contribution. Achieves economic wellbeing. Vision Statement. Sandbrook will be the pride of the community where everyone learns, achieves and succeeds together

Cultural Education Challenge Commitment

Our school is taking on the Cultural Education Challenge. This means that our learning journey takes us to places where we can create, compose, perform, visit, experience, participate, know, understand and review great art and culture. Along the way, we meet inspiring artists and cultural experts that help us explore our own and others’ inventiveness. Together we inspire each other to be creative, courageous and curious.

Cultural Education Challenge Stickers