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Arts Award Supporter

Who we are

The fascinating history of one of Cheshire's most attractive and historic towns is brought to life by Nantwich Museum, founded in January 1980 (the building was formerly Nantwich Public Library which stood on the site of a gaol). Nantwich Museum provides the best insight into the history of the town and the ways in which wider historical events have impacted upon it. The museum has main galleries telling the story of Nantwich through the ages - Roman salt making, Tudor Nantwich's Great Fire, the Civil War Battle of Nantwich (1644) and the more recent shoe and clothing industries. Other galleries contain a cheese-making exhibition, dedicated to demonstrating how the county's famous cheese has traditionally been made and sold around the floral market town of Nantwich. Above it is the Joseph Heler meeting room, which houses a collection of maps. Small and temporary exhibitions are housed in the Community and Millennium galleries. The education offer available at Nantwich Museum contains workshops on the history of Nantwich as well as more general sessions on the Civil War, the Tudors and World War Two. All sessions are differentiated for Children and Young people from Key Stage One to Four. College, university and community groups are also welcomed and there is a special workshop for Early Years children. All sessions are also available as outreach workshops.