Drake Music North West

335 Stretford Road
M15 5ZA
0161 232 6073


  •  We come to you

Who we are

Drake Music is a dynamic music and technology organisation, the leading organisation of its kind in England. For more than twenty years we have pioneered the use of technology to make music accessible to disabled people, and have developed a wealth of innovative and imaginative approaches to teaching, learning and making music. Through our Learning & Participation strand we deliver hands-on projects that remove barriers to musical participation. We work with a team of Associate Musicians who are specialists in workshops for young people in special and mainstream schools, and out-of-school projects for adults and children. We also provide one to one mentoring, resources and courses to improve opportunities for disabled musicians’ musical ability to be recognised, developed and accredited. We have an extensive track record of working with a wide range of partners and successfully delivering high quality music making activity within SEN/D settings. Partnerships include: • Music Hubs • Bridge Organisations • Schools - Special and Mainstream • Pupil Referral Units • Adult Day Centres • Arts Organisations Drake Music can work flexibly with you and your School/Organisation to deliver one of our current programmes, or to create a bespoke programme that meets your needs and your budget. If you would like further information on how our Learning and Participation strand can support you and widen access to music making, please contact: NWinfo@drakemusic.org