Bolton Steam Museum

Mornington Road
off Chorley Old Road
01204 846490

Who we are

Set in an original 1890 cotton mill warehouse, this museum provides an evocative environment for your visit. It houses the largest number of working mill steam engines in the UK, containing several rare and interesting examples of engines that you can see close up. The museum is operated entirely by experienced volunteers. The 27 steam engines, now one of the largest collections in the country, provide a representative sample of the main source of power that was used in the North West textile industry. Together they demonstrate the development of technology during the latter part of the Industrial Revolution between 1840 and 1920 and can provide real examples to illustrate key historical themes and scientific, mechanical and technological concepts. Several of the engines can be seen in motion under electric power. The Museum welcomes school groups, offering tailored guided tours that will give you and your pupils historical and technical information about the steam engines and the part they played in the textile industry and the Industrial Revolution.