- We come to you
Mime, rhyme, science time
Posted: 18/05/2017 by Artis Education
Making science come to life with a real bang can sometimes leave you worried about what chemical reaction you might have on your hands. So why, I hear you ask, would you even attempt to introduce the performing arts into the mixture?
PE and Sport Premium to improve children’s physical education through active learning and physicalising the curriculum
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
Supporting the delivery of PE through movement and dance-based active learning, in primary schools, is increasingly being recognised as a powerful way to develop children’s physical literacy while simultaneously improving their wellbeing.
Chiffchaff & Pobblebonk
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
Onomatopoeias – words that imitate the sounds they’re describing – pop up in the dictionary more often than you might think.
Have you conceived yet?
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
I had mixed feelings the day my contractions began. It was 31 August and I was expecting my second baby. Whilst thrilled that I was soon to set eyes on our new addition to the family, I was also thinking about her future education.
Artis & Arts Award Case Study
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
Being an Artis Specialist is very different to your average day job. On Monday I was an African dance specialist, a chicken farmer, a polar bear, a ‘horrid child’ from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory…and all before lunch!
Dancing Sculptures: A project of masks and movement
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
I have always believed that using dance, drama or music in teaching is one of the best ways to bring things alive for children. Rather than being taught a book, idea or concept, they get to experience it.
Mental health & wellbeing in schools
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
By Carys Owen (Cuckoo), School Partnership Consultant “In order to help their pupils succeed; schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy” Department of Education, 2014 .
Woohoo’s Celebration Day
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
By Artis Specialist Andrea Beed (Twizzle) On Sunday 18 September, we held a very special day to pay tribute to our much missed friend and gifted Artis Specialist Deborah Barber-Jones (Woohoo).
Cornflakes and Creativity: Artis Breakfast Clubs
Posted: 07/04/2017 by Artis Education
“A Breakfast Club is far more than tea and toast” was Tricia Murphy’s advice during the recent Pupil Premium conference at the Education Leaders Forum.