Pennine Lancashire


Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation London

Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation (Coram SSF) is a cultural education charity that gives young people across the UK the confidenc...

Craven Museum Skipton

Skipton Town Hall is the hub for culture and heritage in Craven. It is home to Craven Museum, which cares for a treasure trove of ar...

Curious Minds Wigan

Our vision is for a future where getting creative and experiencing brilliant arts and culture is a regular aspect of every child’s l...

Dance Days London

Dance Days provide educational dance workshops for schools across the northwest, with years of experience working with schools and d...

Dimensions Creative Curriculum Preston

Dimensions, founded by educator and leader Elaine Sutton, works in and with schools to develop inspiring and creative primary curric...

Earlybird Project Manchester

Earlybird Project believes in creativity at the heart from the start, We place creativity at the centre of children’s formative year...

East Lancs Provider Test Town

This is a test profile - 9th July 2020

ELART Productions Lancaster

ELART Productions is an independent theatre company founded by freelance arts practitioner Emma Rucastle. Since 2009, Emma has worke...

English National Opera London

ENO Engage is the learning and participation department at the English National Opera. We exist to open up new possibilities for ope...