About Us

The Culture Hub is brought to you by Curious Minds, a cultural education charity working to improve the lives of children and young people by increasing opportunities for their active participation in arts and culture. Curious Minds has been serving the North West of England as Arts Council England’s Bridge organisation since 2012. 

The Culture Hub is free to join and is designed to be a one-stop-shop for cultural education in the North West, making it easier for staff in schools and other youth settings to find and connect with the resources and expertise available in our region's arts, culture and heritage organisations.

By creating and updating a 'Cultural Provider' profile, arts, culture and heritage sector organisations can showcase their specialist offer for the education and youth sector, promote new opportunities and highlight relevant accreditations.

Upon registering as a 'Culture School', schools and other education or youth settings can use their bespoke profile to demonstrate their commitment to taking on the Cultural Education Challenge and increasing opportunities for children and young people to learn in, through and about culture. They can track their organisation's journey by collecting and displaying virtual 'badges' on their profile and can review their engagements with culture sector providers, for the benefit of others.

Connect to culture in just 3 steps

All members of The Culture Hub are driven by a shared understanding that, when done well, arts and culture bring a whole host of benefits to children’s lives; boosting confidence, raising achievement and offering a powerful outlet for positive energy.

Consultation with school leaders, teachers and youth workers across the region shows that people feel as strongly as ever that the arts and cultural learning should remain at the heart of the curriculum and be used as a key force for good in children’s lives, both in and out of school.